Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bitter+Plus Demonstration In A Glass Of Ribena Drink


Here's a quick video to show you how easy it is to add Bitter+Plus solution into a solution. Here I have used a glass of Ribena. If you have tasted Ribena before, you will know that it is sweet.

Anyway, I have added 3 drops of Bitter+Plus into the solution and it becomes bitter. See for yourself!


How To Pet-Proof Your Home

Here's a good article to help pet proof your home.

How To Pet Proof Your Home

If you are new to keeping a pet, it's important to make sure that your home is safe. Be careful what you feed them, and what you have lying around your home.

I know of one dog owner, who was working on a car at home. He was servicing his car and drained the antifreeze from the radiator. Anyway, as he kept working on his car, his dog had licked the antifreeze from the open bucket. Although he realised what happened... unfortunately, it was too late.

But incidents like this happen all the time.

Take precaution around the home when you have a pet.... think of them as children.

Anyway, if you are a new pet owner, get some tips on keeping your home pet proof.

How To Pet Proof Your Home


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Quick Video of Bitter+Plus Bittering Solution For Antifreeze

Let me know what you would like to see in the next video. Just leave a comment or email at


Tips To Help Avoid Antifreeze Poisoning

Here's an article for you that points out a few ways to avoid antifreeze poisioning in pets. This is a good article for anyone who is worried about their pets getting sick from antifreeze.

If you want to have a read, you can download it at;

The Daily Citizen : Avoiding Antifreeze Poisoning

Anyway, I thought one tip needed to be explained a bit more. And it's the tip to use antifreeze made with "propylene glycol". In one way they are right, but in another, they are wrong. You see, propylene glycol is safer to use than antifreeze made with ethylene glycol.... But not because it is BITTER.

Antifreeze made with propylene glycol is less toxic...but it still tastes sweet. So what that means is that your pet has to lick more to get sick. As you can imagine, if something tastes sweet, there's a good chance your pet will keep licking!

SO if you are using antifreeze with propylene glycol, make sure that you keep it away from your pets. Follow the tips in the article at;

The Daily Citizen : Avoiding Antifreeze Poisoning

But here's the Good news....

Bitter+Plus Bitter solution can be added into antifreeze with propylene glycol. This will make it taste awful to any pet that licks it.

So why not add it to your antifreeze today.

Make Antifreeze Bitter For Less Than $1

If you worried about your pet licking up antifreeze and getting sick, then this may be the most important site you ever visit.

Here's why;

I have developed a DIY bitter taste kit that will make antifreeze very bitter to taste. All you need to do is add 1 ml of Bitter+Plus solution into the antifreeze container, shake for 10 seconds, and then your antifreeze will taste yuck.

Very simple... and very easy to use.

And the best part is that it costs less than $1 for each liter of antifreeze.

If you would like to know how to get Bitter+Plus, then email me at

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bitter+Plus Antifreeze To 50 ppm!


I got a question from a mechanic in Ottawa, Canada, who is interested in using Bitter+Plus to add to antifreeze. Anyway to cut a long story short, he wanted to know how bitter it would be.

Well, with the USA looking at adding a bittering agent between 30ppm and 50ppm, I have designed it so that if you add 1 mil of Bitter+plus to 1 litre of antifreeze, then it will be treated at 50 parts per million. So what does that mean?

It means that antifreeze will be as bitter as the USA law makers want it to be!

So if you are interested in adding it yourself, then why not give it a go today.

For more information, feel free to email me a